
Unlike Holland, I believe all women and believe what Cat Parks said is true.

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Justin Holland cried at a Frisco Conservative meeting when his leftist friend Samantha and her cat lady cohort was denied entry into a gathering of Conservatives.

To be fair, they were doing her a favor as the NFL Draft was going on at the same time and they were hoping she would enter as a free agent since The Cowboys had a gap to fill in the defensive line.

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If an 18 year old, in his opinion, is too young to responsibly use a weapon, then screw it, raise the age to join the military to 21, too. It is becoming increasingly infuriating for those in power to call an 18 year old an adult when it's convenient for THEM!

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What Holland as actually said is that---come cry and tell me the horror of murder and cry to me with tears that if we just got rid of guns we would live in paradise. It wasn't long ago that even the CDC had studies done regarding the danger of the murder of authority figures such as cops was all because of the video games our children were playing. Other studies have shown that the lack of fathers in the home as increased violence in our community. Regardless of the ivory tower studies guns don't kill--Many parents are no longer raising our children--when we do raise our children it is often that the government will step in and say "I can raise YOUR child better than you" Holland now needs to pass a law that our 18-21 year olds will not die on foreign soil fighting a war that they had nothing to do with startinng any war... Old men sitting in a big safe building that make decisions that impact us need to be the first to die fighting wars or as in this case locked in a room full of yound 18-21 tear olds and explain how tears caused him to lose his common sense and stand by his decision to not allow these kids to have weapons because of someone's tears. All our bad laws have come out of a few people's tragic story Texas has how many guns per capital and how many Texans are murderers mass shooting or otherwise???

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