I knew he was a backstabber. But I didn’t know what he’s doing now. Isn’t he on the board of Fox News? That’s probably why they never mentioned anything about the 2000 mules. He’s a snake. I can’t watch him with his ridiculous white board either. Thanks for the information. I share where I can.

I’d like to say I’m one of those people who didn’t realize what was really happening to our country. Things had been they way they were most of my life, with the very slow and deliberate ways the cabal chipped away at everything good about America 🇺🇸

It wasn’t until Trump showed up that my gut feeling was this was much bigger and darker than anything I could imagine. I’m 63 and I have three great grandsons that I want to hand them the reins of FREEDOM and I am doing everything I can to spread the word. Most people, like myself had to overcome this notion that our government would never do anything to it’s people , after all they work for us! Not even close. My mom struggled with this when the vaccine came out . She honestly was shocked and thought I was crazy for entertaining the notion that they were dangerous and our government was aware. Now she’s seeing just what is happening. Being 80 years old she will die being one of the people you described. Leaving it for my generation and my children to fix. We are fighters and I have pledged my life to being present in the most important time of my life! I owe so much to all the patriots who have put the truth out there. Warm regards to all of you! God bless our country and all our warriors.

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Support only MAGA America First patriots. Never compromise on principles, character or our issues. Conservatives form the collective conscience of the Republican Party everywhere which is why we are always under attack by the destroyers from within. Just quit thinking of them as friends folks. They are no different than the enemy. We are in a war for the survival of America. Let your reason and your brain take precedence over emotions. Your chidren & grandchildren will one day thank you for it.

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Agreed. I now have three great grandsons that deserve their inheritance. That being citizenship in the greatest country ever. All our problems can be resolved with strong America First Patriots. God bless our elections! Bless them a lot

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The quickest way to a Republican defeat in Texas is to continue the push for the "diverse Big Tent" utopian , no-one-gets offended pablum the pos losers like Rove and the Bushes proffer. No one wants to be a DemocRAT , RINO , Libertarianoid in Texas. They ALL want to be viewed as "CONSERVATIVES" while they proceed to trash and corrupt our great platform and move ever leftward to appease the scum of the earth. These people need such a resounding defeat that they never raise their heads again except in abject shame for their destruction.

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I knew Karl Rove is a "Bush Dynasty" supporter, and he tried his best to get Jeb to win the nomination, but I didn't know all the other stuff about his shenanigans against his own Republican party!!!!! I have also known that his ties to Abbott and his cronies have been setting Texas up for their takeover and for their favored candidates to win to their way of thinking. We in the Texas GOP have so many RINOs against whom we need to fight and take our Texas power back! We need to not only vote these RINOs out, but we also need to get rid of especially those who insist that we, the conservative Republicans, need to give committee seats to Democrats, thus, again give over our powers! Let's vote these RINOs out of office and take our Texas back!

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Absolutely right Linda!

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I just can’t figure out why he hasn’t done anything to close that border down. Didn’t he say he had raised enough money to finish the wall? All the material was left behind. So why are they still flooding over our border.

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I have recetly seen videos from the brder showing the crimmigrants scaling the new wall desin like gazelles. Without the manpower patrolling the border like the Isrealis do their borders, it amounts to throwing good money after bad.

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