So the U.S. Democrat Party has had their opposition party leader arrested and the Texas Democrats, in-league with TXGOP leadership have had the top Right-wing champion being dragged through a political trial...rough times ahead for Americans and Texans.

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Read these articles to get the whole story https://www.texasscorecard.co/

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You may be shocked to learn this is not Texas Scorecard .com and is in fact a separate website financed by subscribers.

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Gordon wake up baby. The Libertarian billionaires joined the Republican party so they could take it down from within, there is nothing conservative about them, they want total dominion. They are as bad if not worse than the democrats. I get how you guys always point your finger to the democrat to deflect from the folks you serve.

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Wake me up, Kathleen. 😘

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Lol okie dokie you guys are all on the take lol you already know

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Are all those commenters from the article on the take? Or are those normal people

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Tommy - since Current Revolt exposed Paxton for paying for social media commenters I am going to believe Current Revolt. Since these commenters agree with you only they explored deeper and further Im going to guess they are not being paid to deceive but rather report. Big difference you know

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According to your previous article regarding Michael Quinn Sullivan paying people to make comments on social media, Jonathan Sticklands threat with Dunns war chest, targeting everyone who wants to uphold the law, and making the false claim that Paxton didnt have the opportunity to present his evidence when he was asked to do so and he refused, Why would we take all these manufactured comments seriously? https://www.texasscorecard.co/

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None of this is accurate

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Lets not forget Lt Governor acting as Judge received Three million dollars from Paxtons benefactor. Are we supposed to believe that is not a payoff?

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Yes sir - this site tells us who is behind the "grassroots' not grassroots at all. You have already told us about Michael Quinn Sullivan and this site supports your article. I don't expect you to expose the people that fund the Current Revolt but isn't it important that the people are not deceived. The Paxton issue needs to be played out like any other court, not protested to dismissal circumventing the evidence that needs to come forward. These protests are paid protest and I am using Current Revolt as the resource. Scorecard Confessions exposes pretty much the same thing but with more detail and perspective.

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Tommy Oliver - all of this is accurate https://www.texasscorecard.co/

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