As we continue to see that we still have these creatures that have never been part of TEXAS Values certainly not TEXAS first that continue tell us how hard they work for us how much they care for us all the while standing arminarm with the activists that burned our cities and towns. As I have stated before Waller County StanKitzman and chairmandavid luther are firmly in the camp of phelan or anyone he supports. You must remember how many of the 254 gop county chairs have refused to publicly support Cook or the caucus choice---DavidLuther was hand selected by DanaMyers to go across the state and teach the rest of the county chairs how to fill their vacant precinct chair positions at a time when more than 60/70 percent of Waller's were vacant. He told them all that if they didn't fill those positions, it was much easier to be able to pass the things you wanted to pass-- is how you build your powerbase. You see that what he taught when are having our conventions---he has people chosen that tell you upfront they aren't coming but he keeps them as delegates and refuses to seat any alternate that isn't his voter---He votes all our votes. I have said this is voter suppression, but the state party doesn't care--We continue to let the county chairs lie and demean those that actually want to see the party grow in strength TEXAS values! Where do the other county chairs stand??? This is what grassroots works against with little to no support from the gop.
As we continue to see that we still have these creatures that have never been part of TEXAS Values certainly not TEXAS first that continue tell us how hard they work for us how much they care for us all the while standing arminarm with the activists that burned our cities and towns. As I have stated before Waller County StanKitzman and chairmandavid luther are firmly in the camp of phelan or anyone he supports. You must remember how many of the 254 gop county chairs have refused to publicly support Cook or the caucus choice---DavidLuther was hand selected by DanaMyers to go across the state and teach the rest of the county chairs how to fill their vacant precinct chair positions at a time when more than 60/70 percent of Waller's were vacant. He told them all that if they didn't fill those positions, it was much easier to be able to pass the things you wanted to pass-- is how you build your powerbase. You see that what he taught when are having our conventions---he has people chosen that tell you upfront they aren't coming but he keeps them as delegates and refuses to seat any alternate that isn't his voter---He votes all our votes. I have said this is voter suppression, but the state party doesn't care--We continue to let the county chairs lie and demean those that actually want to see the party grow in strength TEXAS values! Where do the other county chairs stand??? This is what grassroots works against with little to no support from the gop.