Welcome to “Many People Are Saying,” our once a week paid-subscriber article where we feature rumors we’re hearing, inside gossip in the political world, and projects and pieces we’re working on that we haven’t published yet.
This week we’ve got a huge MPS: There’s a religious spat with Rep. Holland and Don Huffines, a major consulting firm is representing Colony Ridge(!), Rep. Thimesch sends out an essay mailer, lasers are being pointed at American reporters, ex-Crowder employees are being followed around, Phelan is being taken down(?), and Rep. Candy Noble will be facing a challenger this election cycle.
Rep. Justin Holland Has Issues With Catholicism
A Baptism disagreement has surfaced (get it…Surfaced?) between Don Huffines and Rep. Justin Holland. All the way back in December of last year, Huffines posted to Twitter about the baptism of his infant grandson in a Catholic church.
Rep. Holland thought it a relevant occasion to reply underneath the tweet a video of local nondenominational (We think? Could be Baptist affiliated.) pastor of LakePointe church Josh Howerton giving a fairly standard Baptist case against infant baptism and urging those who “got wet” as kids to get baptized as adults.
Watch that video here:
At Current Revolt, we have writers who believe in infant baptism and those who don’t, but one thing we’d all agree on is that Josh Howerton doesn’t exactly present a convincing argument in the video, and it’s probably better for those who claim Christ to have theological disagreements like this on a private basis (at least at first) rather than publicly. That may be why Rep. Justin Holland seemingly deleted the tweet, and if so, we’d applaud him for that. Either way, it serves as a reminder that we all could use a little more discernment when dealing with centuries-old contentious topics. Besides, there are a lot of theological topics with more political relevancy than the baptism of infants.
Editors note: It should also be noted that Holland voted in favor of recognizing March 7, 2023, as Texas Muslim Capitol Day.
It’s interesting that Rep. Holland seems pretty eager and free to contend with the Catholic faith, we wonder if he would feel the same way criticizing other religions.
Rep. Holland has always had a history of questionable decision making.