Welcome to “Many People Are Saying,” our once a week paid-subscriber article where we feature rumors we’re hearing, inside gossip in the political world, and projects and pieces we’re working on that we haven’t published yet.
News this week:
Lina Hidalgo in legal trouble with the Texas Ethics Commission
Brandon Herrera crashes a gun buyback
Ron Simmons is running for Congress?
Lina Hidalgo is in Trouble with the Texas Ethics Commission
The Texas Ethics Commission has accepted jurisdiction over a complaint brought by Texas Voice publisher, Mark McCaig against Harris County Judge, Lina Hidalgo.
The Texas Ethics Commission has accepted jurisdiction over a complaint I filed against Lina Hidalgo for illegally misusing government resources to create political advertising supporting Sean Teare and opposing Kim Ogg for Harris County DA at a press conference last week.
That’s probably not a good sign.
Hidalgo has been a headache for normal Houstonians. Recently returning to work after a month and a half long siesta for “depression”, Hidalgo has gone back to doing normal Democrat things like spending $750,000 to hire people to fight climate racism or something.
Brandon Herrera Gets Kicked Out of San Antonio Gun Buybak
Brandon Herrera, very successful content creator and candidate for TX-23, was kicked out of a San Antonio gun buyback last weekend after offering cash to people in line to turn their guns over to the city gov.