If the Republicans don't pass this unanimously, they will verify to us that they are a UNIPARTY after all and represent their money masters and NOT the people of Texas. I don't know how much simpler it can get for people to come to grips with the fact that we are in deep trouble and our fellow Republicans willingly led us to this precipice with their corrupt bipartisan bullshit and more.
The article mentions San Antonio's legacy of bipartisanship. Bexar county's version of "partisanship" is we, the rinos and we the demos all think alike so this bipartisanship works for us. We all think money is the key to enriching each other's pockets. DUH.
If the Republicans don't pass this unanimously, they will verify to us that they are a UNIPARTY after all and represent their money masters and NOT the people of Texas. I don't know how much simpler it can get for people to come to grips with the fact that we are in deep trouble and our fellow Republicans willingly led us to this precipice with their corrupt bipartisan bullshit and more.
The article mentions San Antonio's legacy of bipartisanship. Bexar county's version of "partisanship" is we, the rinos and we the demos all think alike so this bipartisanship works for us. We all think money is the key to enriching each other's pockets. DUH.
I trust Marc LaHood will follow through and do the will of his constituents.
When are you going to call out Patterson for spearheading the Dem Chairs? You’re awfully quiet on that.