Last session when 3 reps voted against Phelan, the RPT and local GOPs could censure, but the censure did not have the TEETH the RPT delegates voted for last May. Could that be the difference? Censure might actually carry a penalty. Everyone knows the biggest fear a politician has is NOT GETTING RE-ELECTED. They will come out swinging on that harder than they will on the border, property taxes, or any other scam they are trying to convince us they are "solving"

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This is TEXAS politics--The elections are all weighted in favor of the incumbent to start with--I want to see the GOP actually do something about reigning in those creatures that put that r behind their name but almost always vote Blue! The party continues to support those incumbents even tho they have proven to be democrats by their votes--The party has allowed the county chairs to embed these democrats into the party that is slowly one step at a time turning into a blue state---we have already lost all the big cities all because this gop keeps saying---OH but the democrats are our friends--just hold your nose and vote for that creature--we all need to just roll up our sleeves and get back to work--we just didn't have the votes---If the GOP doesn't start standing up to the county chairs doesn't start working with the average voter---In my county the chair refuses to allow anyone he doesn't deem republican enough to even attend the meetings can't be a delegate--can sometimes be an alternate but he but won't seat alternates..IMO this is voter interference and the gop does nothing to change this behavior. Look at how many county chairs have refused to follow the new caucus rules with no consequences--how many refused to support the party's candidate for President---Mine refused to even have signs for Trump or any other candidate that isn't part of the pay for play since those $$ appear to go in his pocket

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Bat shit craziness of a morally illiterate culture in its death throws.

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*** throes

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Chairman George passed on the opportunity to remove the serial liar and overall scumbag Brent Hagenboo because Luke told him not to.

Hopefully the new & improved Abraham won't give into this gay version of Minority Report where people are convicted of crimes before they happen.

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