The current situation within the party is deeply concerning. The fact that individuals with questionable backgrounds and motives are leading the party is alarming. To me, it is beyond clear that these individuals do not uphold the conservative values they claim to represent. Moreover, the idea of donating to a party whose leaders have nefarious intentions is ridiculous. Instead, I propose to redirect support to initiatives aimed at removing these individuals from power. This is how we prioritize the well-being and values of our state and how we rebuild the Republican party once again.
There has always been an unspoken difference between conserv Christian republicans and rinos. We used to get along pretty well. I 've been in this fracas for many moons , am a conservative Christian. The rinos who are mostly disinterested in in Christian morality issues, have stayed quiet as long as these issues didn't bother voters too much. Now, with lgbt, and especially transgender huge issues , as in children having their privates cut off, and taking hormones, and changing sexes, the rinos have shown their leanings. It is disturbing. They STILL remain disinterested and even support some of these horrible issues. Same for the border. Cheap labor runs the show all over Texas. and it won't stop pouring over. Conserv Christians continue to stand their ground. God is good. If it weren't for pro lifers, there would have been an abortion clinic on every corner. Darkness and light are still tangling.
The current situation within the party is deeply concerning. The fact that individuals with questionable backgrounds and motives are leading the party is alarming. To me, it is beyond clear that these individuals do not uphold the conservative values they claim to represent. Moreover, the idea of donating to a party whose leaders have nefarious intentions is ridiculous. Instead, I propose to redirect support to initiatives aimed at removing these individuals from power. This is how we prioritize the well-being and values of our state and how we rebuild the Republican party once again.
Thank you, Current Revolt for being 'transparent' unlike our Republican Party. Someone has got to do the heavy lifting.
There has always been an unspoken difference between conserv Christian republicans and rinos. We used to get along pretty well. I 've been in this fracas for many moons , am a conservative Christian. The rinos who are mostly disinterested in in Christian morality issues, have stayed quiet as long as these issues didn't bother voters too much. Now, with lgbt, and especially transgender huge issues , as in children having their privates cut off, and taking hormones, and changing sexes, the rinos have shown their leanings. It is disturbing. They STILL remain disinterested and even support some of these horrible issues. Same for the border. Cheap labor runs the show all over Texas. and it won't stop pouring over. Conserv Christians continue to stand their ground. God is good. If it weren't for pro lifers, there would have been an abortion clinic on every corner. Darkness and light are still tangling.