one of the few times I disagree with yall. Of course we don't want China buying up all of our land in Texas. Confused by your take.

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It’s not happening. They’re creating these boogeymen to distract from the real threat, the central government. Besides, who is letting all these Chinese into the country anyway? Hint: it’s the same entity allowing all the fentanyl and illegal aliens in.

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As a Cuban refugee from a hostile country that enslaved its people and continues to do so to this day, I would object mightily to Fidel and/or his minions from owning any property in this country just as I support the continued embargo of Cuba. For you to think that communists would ever be "allies" with a free America is beyond asinine. They move in to subvert and take over wherever they can. What I read in this article is pure unadulterated Libertarian crapola. Shame on you and I have been one of your biggest fans. The boogeymen absolutely are real, one of them being Fidel's byblow , Justin , in Canada. And finally, who benefits most from our centralized government and helped move that along?? The very boogeymen you insist aren't there.

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Respectfully DISAGREE 100%. It is happening.

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It most certainly is happening, and it's already happened. And will continue to happen, until more states join Texas with this Senate Bill.

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This isn't about the federal government and everything that's wrong with it.  It's about the State of Texas. and it's a damn good bill!  In fact, I would add Saudi Arabia to the list.  Remember when the Saudis tried to buy our ports during Obama's reign.  And have you forgotten China actually owns one of our 5 lakes in Michigan?  And the farmland it already owns?  The countries listed in this bill are not our friends. They have lots of money to buy us out.  Who's side are you on?  This bill is not a "scam" not "cartoonish" not "dumb."  It "blanket-bans those who hold citizenship to those countries" which is exactly what we need.  Citizens of other countries owe their allegiance to those countries, not to America. And "when Texas inevitably [inevitably? Really?] bails on this hostile government in Washington" - it won't happen. It can't happen now because Biden is destroying Texas with a tsunami of illegal migrants.  It takes 3 contiguous states to agree to a bail out, according to our Constitution.  In the meantime, I support Senate Bill 147, and hope more States of the Union will follow suit.

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“Biden is destroying Texas.” Yes, and I noticed he is not Chinese, which is one of the things that has led me to my conclusion that this bill is creating a smokescreen enemy, a diversion, by describing a problem that is only theoretical while we have these real problems right in our faces.

Maybe someone can file a bill to prevent the Chinese from raising our gas prices as well?

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I see your point. But for all intents and purposes, Biden IS China. Nevertheless, everything is a distraction from something else these days. But Texas isn't drafting this bill to distract from anything. It's drafting this bill to protect the state from China-Biden's federal overreach, and to preserve its own State constitutional power and authority. Again, I hope more states join with Texas to do the same. PS: Gas prices are a result of this administration's policies. And Biden's policies directly help China. It's a pay-to-play scheme between them. Nevertheless, the high price of gas is just the beginning. Banning vehicles for the masses is the next target. It's written in the UN's agendas and in WEF's plans for the near future.

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Mr. Oliver, we can agree to disagree, on this one issue, but I am subscribed to your site and would like to remain so. You've been very generous and tolerant in not censoring my comments. Thank you.

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Mr. Oliver, we can agree to disagree, on this one issue, but I am subscribed to your site and would like to remain so. You've been very generous and tolerant in not censoring my comments. Thank you. 

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What is the problem that we are seeing today that will be solved by this bill? Foreigners buying land and doing what? Cooking meth on it? What is the allegation?

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I'm in favor of this bill too. Not sure why yall wouldn't be, you're normally in lockstep with me politically.

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Tommy Oliver, Gordon Bombay


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As a Cuban refugee from a hostile country that enslaved its people and continues to do so to this day, I would object mightily to Fidel and/or his minions from owning any property in this country just as I support the continued embargo of Cuba. For you to think that communists would ever be "allies" with a free America is beyond asinine. They move in to subvert and take over wherever they can. What I read in this article is pure unadulterated Libertarian crapola. Shame on you and I have been one of your biggest fans. The boogeymen absolutely are real, one of them being Fidel's byblow , Justin , in Canada. And finally, who benefits most from our centralized government and helped move that along?? The very boogeymen you insist aren't there.

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As a Cuban refugee from a hostile country that enslaved its people and continues to do so to this day, I would object mightily to Fidel and/or his minions from owning any property in this country just as I support the continued embargo of Cuba. For you to think that communists would ever be "allies" with a free America is beyond asinine. They move in to subvert and take over wherever they can. What I read in this article is pure unadulterated Libertarian crapola. Shame on you and I have been one of your biggest fans. The boogeymen absolutely are real, one of them being Fidel's byblow , Justin , in Canada. And finally, who benefits most from our centralized government and helped move that along?? The very boogeymen you insist aren't there.

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BTW, when was the last time, China, Saudi Arabia, Russia et al sold their land,property, infrastructure and more to a citizen from a foreign nation? ie. America? What do you think their reasoning for not doing so would be ??? Why should we act any differently?? When was the last time you or anyone you know of crossed into Mexico without papers and bought property of any kind???

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by Gordon Bombay

I personally am very impressed with this take. As a Texas citizen who fully supports Texas secession, I realize the need for Texas to have international allies. As the third largest economy globally, we have what it takes and we are more than capable of become a freestanding nation. People who are not open to this train of thought would do well do bone up on their Texas history. The Federal government is our biggest threat right now. What other country has done so much damage to Texas cities with their woke ideologies and globalist agendas? It's all to weaken us because they are afraid. And they should be.

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