But they just want equality right? The Church on the Square, located in Georgetown, was forcibly evicted after members spoke against a taxpayer-funded mural celebrating LGBTQWTF degeneracy. The church was then booted from their worship spot at Georgetown Palace Theatre, without explanation and in violation of a monthly lease agreement.
Per The Federalist:
“A new mural in the city of Georgetown, Texas, is generating controversy for its support of LGBTQ ideology. Members of one church who spoke out against public subsidies for sexual politics at a city council meeting believe their subsequent eviction from the Georgetown Palace Theatre was retaliation for their speech.
Church on the Square Pastor Bradley J. Helgerson, along with two other church members, spoke out against the mural at an April 26 Georgetown City Council meeting. Calling the ideology expressed by the mural “an attempt to fundamentally reorder society,” Helgerson said his remarks were aimed to provide “theological context for the ideology lurking behind this artistic expression.”
“Many have been fooled into thinking that such a rebellion against reality is an act of liberation. That when we tear down every norm we will be left with a freer society, that true freedom comes when the shackles of the sacred are removed,” Helgerson said. “But the work of the LGBTQ movement is not the work of liberation, but of liberationists whose desire it is to destroy the societal order itself, precisely because of its demand for conformity.’”
In a nutshell, the weirdo community is apparently so persecuted, municipal governments unperson those speaking out against them. If that’s oppression, then I want to be oppressed.
Imagine having entire towns gladly silence opposition to your depravity, powerful lobbies in our nation’s Capitol and all 50 states, and the nerve to claim you are marginalized. Worst of all, the church was evicted before their Mother’s Day service.
“On May 6, two days before its Mother’s Day service, Helgerson received an email from Palace Theatre Executive Artistic Director Ron Watson, stating the Church on the Square was evicted due to “resource management issues,” effective immediately. He did not elaborate further, even after multiple requests from Helgerson.
“I must say that I am perplexed,” Helgerson replied to Watson’s email. “Can you provide us more information as to what the issue is?… As a religious organization we are afforded certain protections by the federal government against discrimination and the immediacy and vagueness of your termination letter gives us reason for pause.”
Not even Mother’s Day is sacred to degeneracy enforcers. Should we be surprised, considering this is the same crowd giving sex toys to eleven year-olds, teaching children to be furries, to mutilate their genitals, and attempt to murder anyone daring to protect children? What makes you think cancelling “birthing-parents” day is above them? If pederasty is an acceptable pastime for them, nothing is off limits. What will our so-called public servants do?
Instead of halting this crap as our officials had plenty of opportunities to do, pervert enablers like Phelan chose to reward wokeness, which as you observe, always seeks to crush sane people like you.
Many talk about “separation of church and state” (even when they do not know its meaning), but considering it’s intended to bar governments from screwing over non-subversive religious institutions, separation is impossible with woke domination. Purging municipal tyrants electorally is still possible though; enraged parents took back seats in Frisco, Grapevine, Fredericksburg, and other Texas places.
As we have explained numerous times, imposing will is necessary for permanent victory. In any institution you join, create measures ensuring establishments dedicated to community service never get corrupted by bacchanals. Never hesitate to do what is necessary to protect your fellow Americans, and never fall for something ironically called “progress;” since when are infanticide, child grooming, and orgies the mark of a healthy civilization? Remember, when a Leftist says “progress,” they mean “regress.”
Very sad. A bunch of dildo toting fascists need to be sued. I hope they get a better place.