What’s coming down Austin’s shaft? Out of perpetual paranoia, LGBTQP activists are freaking out over potential persecution by the Texas government. While Democrat diehards like those mentioned below are obviously hallucinating, it’s still an interesting scenario.
Masha Leah’s social circle is shrinking. Six families the transgender Austin resident knows left the state as Texas officials have spent years targeting trans youth and their parents with restrictive legislation and child abuse investigations.
Like many LGBTQ Texans, she worries about the next wave of bills state lawmakers will consider in the legislative session that begins Tuesday. But Masha Leah, who asked that her full name not be used out of fear of anti-trans harassment or violence, isn’t ready to leave Texas just yet.
Republican Texas lawmakers, who control both legislative chambers, have filed around three dozen bills targeting LGBTQ people as of last week. That is already more than they attempted to pass in the regular five-month legislative session in 2021, according to Equality Texas, an LGBTQ advocacy organization that tracks such legislation. Many of the bills seek to limit or ban gender-affirming health care for trans kids. Others aim to limit classroom instruction about sexuality and gender identity. And some look to restrict drag shows and performers.
How dare people protect children from those seeking their exploitation! While not from the best motives (we know what “public servants” do when left on their own, personally, financially, and politically), grassroots pressure made GOP politicians at least pretend to care about kids. Credit certainly goes to the Texas GOP, its Chair Matt Rinaldi, and the thousands of grassroots activists making such efforts possible.
These bills are arriving after the Texas GOP re-adopted party platform language claiming homosexuality is “an abnormal lifestyle choice,” though advocates are quick to note that sexual orientation is not a lifestyle in and of itself. According to the American Psychological Association, while there is no scientific consensus on how an individual develops their sexuality, most people have “little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation.”
“We oppose all efforts to validate transgender identity,” the Texas GOP’s platform also says.
The current legislative drive also comes as conservative parents, activists and groups have pushed for the review or removal of books that center LGBTQ characters and sexuality. At the same time, far-right groups are increasingly threatening and protesting drag shows in Texas and around the country, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has highlighted anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and violence in a November terrorism bulletin.
“The community has a target squarely on our back,” said Anna Nguyen, PFLAG Austin’s president and a trans woman.
These acronym people have the backing of international corporations and the the US governments, but Texans are hesitant because we understand they really want the children.
Using history as a guide; you can expect the GOP to fold and move the goalposts. We see this starting to manifest in a few bulls such as HB 2116, filed by Rep. Ben Bumgarner, which simply says aspiring transvestites need to see a shrink beforehand.
Exempting back alley hackjob surgeries, this proposal wouldn’t do much. Psychologists often support abominations like that, even when children are involved. Using history as a guide, sometimes shrinks aren’t the sanest people.

All that said, degenerates are enraged by these bills and others like it. How used to getting their way are they, that minuscule pushback causes “problematic” collective tantrums, believing Texas is becoming Saudi Arabia 2.0? Besides, there’s groups wanting to help them move to California, and other leftist hellscapes; we sincerely hope they take the offer.
Now regarding kids, moving out-of-state to mutilate them is non-negotiable and Texas should “transition” to a reverse California (child abuse is bad m’kay; that isn’t radical.) A superior bill is Rep. Nate Schatzline’s HB 1532, which punishes insurance companies disfiguring children. Child goring apologists already fabricate claims about transgender babies, so what makes you think these are reasonable folks?
A latent whitepill is this: progress is inevitable. With greater hard-Right representation than last session, we’re sure to get at least something done. The Satanic Left will sperg out like they did in Oklahoma (sadly Republicans there retreated), but hopefully there’s no cop-outs from self-proclaimed leadership. Besides, there’s more expertise shown in the below video than anything orally defecated by debauchees.
“Feels a little ‘do harm’-ish”
The more we persecute Homosexuals, the more they will flee our State.
The path to improvement is clear. Let's get to work making Texas great again!