I live in the heart of Dallas. Been here my whole life...55 years. I take pictures and video of all the OBVIOUS spraying. 2 days ago, Saturday morning, perfect blue skies and about 7 planes were all spraying making a grid pattern...then about 29 minutes later the sky was a stupid milky white....it's so stupid. And the pilots spraying it COULD CARE LESS ABOUT ANIMALS, HUMANS, OR PLANET...it's just a check for them!

The penalty needs to be waaaay more than a "misdemeanor" if we want it to stop!!

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Thank you for bringing this to light. (Pun intended!) I miss our blue TX skies & beautiful YELLOW sun. For all of the naysayers, if it's not real, then why is there an agency regulating it? 🤷‍♀️

The only cure is transparency... thank you CR for starting the conversation. 🥰

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