Infiltrators have moved into our county with Blue Spray Paint! Hp us keep our County RED!

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Ray speaks the truth!!

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This kid needs to resign and charges need to be filed with the Kaufman County DA's office. DA Wiley supported Coby in the election and she is good friends with him. Put her to the test on whether she does the right thing or is she going to give him a pass like she usually does her friends.

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There was over $13,000 in the party account when Pritchett took over in Sept 2021. It's all gone with no explanation. The treasurer is an excellent bookkeeper and had no part in the money disappearing but instead alerted others in the CEC that the money was being removed in large amounts and Pritchett would not give her any explanation as to where the money was going. A 2nd signature is required on all withdrawals from the party account and was disregarded by American National Bank. Now the account is broke. There needs to be a criminal investigation. Embezzling funds is a criminal offense.

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Who has to start it? Anyone?

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The whole situation stinks. Someone or ones are not telling the truth.

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It's July 24, 2022 and Pritchett still is Mum about the Money. Why won't he TALK? Currant Revolt is keeping a watchful eye!

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