The Travis County Clerk’s Office announced they’ll be conducting free “marriage” ceremonies on the 26th of corporate monkeypox month in celebration of the LGBTQ community. No word on whether normal people get their own free day.
Brian Harrison (R-Waxahachie) astutely summed up the obvious via Twitter when he argued that it’s discrimination against straights if they’re made to pay. Maybe we need a nationwide conversation about gay privilege; it’s hard to claim “oppression!” when you’re getting free stuff for a whole month plus getting 10% more in wages over straight men just for being gay. This gives “gay for pay” a whole new meaning.
One thing seems certain: LGBTQP is the new state religion; all social factions are expected to fall down and placate it. Even Sen. Ted Cruz caved to them and attacked laws meant to punish pederasts and stop the spread of HIV. The supposedly “conservative” National Review also platforms sex perverts wanting to make kids promote degeneracy.
The state and major corporations literally proselytize gayness with religious zeal and, once empowered, persecute those questioning it (just ask the baker refusing to do gay cakes). Once again, the LGBTQ persecution complex is proven to be factually bankrupt.
Like real-life theocracies such as Saudi Arabia, they de facto have their own religious police encouraging and, in some cases, enforcing the state religion. Not just in Austin, but in many Texas cities, the rainbow rag is rubbed in our faces and plastered all over our local media feeds; now Dallas is making civil servants play along with mental patients’ fantasies.
Rest assured, we responded to this nonsense with all the respect it deserves.
On a more serious note, the imposed state faith deserves as much irreverence and blasphemy as possible. If your religion makes you support creepy fetishes and men chopping their private parts off, you’re in a cult; besides, I’m pretty sure real vaginas don’t need constant dilation and maggot flushes.
The state cult also has its own jihads. Not only did they stage insurrections in state capitols (including Austin), but as Nashville children learned, there’s no limit to what depraved methods they’ll invoke to persecute and purge even spoken opposition to their agenda. Of course, Leftist media will gladly play defense for pro-pervert terrorists.
Most disturbingly, this isn’t a recently conceived movement. Apparently, these perverse behaviors have been rampant among our elites for quite some time; even the late President Richard Nixon remarked at the degeneracy witnessed among the powers of his day at Bohemian Grove. It’s possible that Bohemian Grove and Epstein’s Island are the Mecca and Medina of the new state religion.
At current trends, along with the Left’s devoutness, how long till Gay Day is made into an official holiday like MLK Day, starting with localities (like Travis County) and progressing to a federal level?
Thankfully, most of us aren’t buying into the propaganda barrage and are still clinging to sanity. No matter how much atrazine they dump in our water. As evidenced by a stronger push from the base, nobody wants this hogwash celebrated, let alone given a month. As further shown by recent victories, there are no signs of indifference.
Again, don’t allow county, state, or federal endorsements of abominations phase you; there’s only one FINAL ruling that matters.
Imagine telling William Travis that the county named after him would be the principle region promoting unspeakable man-on-man acts in Texas.
Brilliant Mecca/Medina statement!
Always praying for y’all! 🙏🇺🇸