Well, it’s not gonna stop the Dem election judges from letting them vote. But proof you can hold ppls feet to the fire and enact some change.

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Very happy to hear that this issue has been addressed and is settled. As an election judge, I was very concerned that I would have to make a decision that would go against Jane’s original edict. Thankfully, I can now honor the law and her rules.

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Don't let your guard down. They will continue to commit fraud. Because they are never, ever, punished.

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Break up Old Boy network in Irving, Texas

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Denton County Crooks

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Funny how she tried to pass the buck to Paxton and got nowhere. She was trying to get someone else to piss of f her potential new voters.

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She’s just as bad as her Senate Record… Why was it even anyones question?

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Now it just has to be ENFORCED!!!

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I figured something was wrong when I read that Jane Nelson allowed non-citizens to vote. She's always be a staunch conservative and wouldn't be part of such a leftwing idea. Thankfully, her most recent comments have clarified her position.

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