One quick correction. The Lieutenant governor derives no power from the constitution. all of his power comes from rules adopted by the Senate which is how David Dewhurst was quietly removed from the chair for the last four weeks of the 2009 session

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I am 100% MAGA, but even Trumps endorsements do not sway me. I look for the groups and PACs that endorse, grassroots vs establishment. This vote would be a no brainer.

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Why are you 100% MAGA when Trump endorses one RINO hack, after the next, after the next? There is hardly a swamp creature in power that does not have Donald's endorsement. I'm to the point where if Donald has endorsed someone, it's an indication that the endorsee is a RINO. Texas may have been somewhat of an exception very recently, with Paxton seeming to direct Donald's endorsements, but in almost every other instance Donald endorsements have obliterated conservatism.

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I don't pretend to understand his motives, such as the endorsement for the vaccine. But by and far he has done more to EXPOSE the evil and corruption in not only our country - but many countries, than anyone ever. He warned us about election fraud 10 years ago, and child trafficking (see old tweets) that we are only now understanding the magnitude. I trust his ultimate vision and goal even though I (with my admitted limited understanding of how things REALLY work behind the scenes) don't understand it all. His endorsement doesn't matter to me. His policies do.

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I hear you to some degree, but I don't understand how someone like you, with the knowledge you have says "I'm 100% MAGA." He has in many cases been the direct enabler of the evil and corruption. He doesn't repent of his vaxx posion. He doesn't repent of his lockdown. He doesn't repent of the covid spending and the inflation insanity he helped create. Best case scenario he's sleeping at the wheel with the Republican budget and FISA sellouts. He sold out on Budlight. He sold out on trannyism. He's running on keeping Obamacare alive. He consistently lifts up the absolute worst parts of the party. At least half the President's job is swaying opinion/endorsements/keeping the party in line, so I don't think you can hand wave that part of him away. I just don't get how someone like you is still excited about the man.

Regarding election fraud (yes, it's a serious problem) it's probably worth your time to read/watch through this: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1684015065521876993.html

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wow, I am sorry to see you suffer from TDS so badly. NOBODY forced your family to take the vaxx. DONALD TRUMP DID NOT MANDATE IT. He did what he should have and left it to the states. Covid was territory no president had even been in. He made choices. So did you. So did I. 2 of my sons LOST THEIR JOBS BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T TAKE THE VAXX. If you or your family blindly follow anyone, then shame on you. There is no reasoning with the likes of Jimmy Fallon, etc. whose camp you seem to be in. I will no longer reply to such ignorant and ill informed responsed.

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You have projected qualities onto Donald which he does not possess. You have responded to arguments which were never made. You have criticized me for positions I do not hold. By the way, you keep responding to comments out of sequence. I know now why you support the man. Thanks.

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I just want to know who that Patrick Wamhoff character really is. I heard he was NSA.

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Choosing a candidate with a list of endorsements depends on who is giving it. If it's not our grassroots organizations and some PACs and only from the most recognizable politician names, then I'm suspicious if that candidate is truly FOR Texans or just another fake Republican touting him/herself as a "conservative".

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Budlight? Seriously? Low bar considering what he accomplished: lowest unemployment blacks, women, asian, hispanic, youth; highest median income; manuafacturing brought back to US; more households off foodstamps; retails sales highest; historic tax cuts; opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines; Record number of regulations eliminated; Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE (you are WAY off on his take on obamacare btw); RIGHT-TO-TRY drugs authorized; historic affordable generic drugs approved; Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act; Brought us oil independent first time EVER; withdraw from Paris Climate Accord AND Iran Deal; NATO spending more evenly dispursed; Space Force (will become huge as more exposed); Confirmed more circuit court judges than any other new administration (imagine where we would be even worse if not); 3 conservative SC Justices (although I haven't agreed with them always); Moved U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem; Replaced job-killing NAFTA; Recording breaking exports;

Imposed tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum to protect our national security, as well as on

China who stold intellectual property and lop-sided trade; SECURED OUR BORDER;

Seriously - stop focusing on a few things you disagree with and focus on the big picture. ANYONE you vote for you will not agree with 100% - BIG PICTURE. And also think about the corruption and FAKENEWS you are aware of now that you weren't 7 years ago.

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Big Picture, the political/freedom/economic situation post-Trump is worse than it was pre-Trump. For the last year of his presidency he obliterated the country economically, morally and politically for absolutely no benefit whatsoever. He celebrates all of it to this day. Almost all of the wins you listed were executive orders that were reversed when he left office. Trump had almost no lasting wins. He corrected almost none of the status quo insanity that he inherited. The horrible precedents he set with covid are locked in. The swamp (endorsed by Trump) is strong as ever.

"stop focusing on a few things you disagree with". My Grandpa had a heart attack two days after Donald's vaxx. My Father-in-Law was likely killed by it. My Grandma literally died of forced seclusion in an elderly home, which Donald advocated for. She went insane. My entire family was forced to risk our jobs to avoid Donald's poison, that he made possible by removing all liability from it. He devasted the economy. Trump permanently changed the spending baseline with his insane covid spending. I am far poorer today because of Trump. He's repented of none of it. I could come up with items all day long that you and I would likely agree that he blew it. It is not a small list. How much damage does he have to do to me before I'm allowed to dislike the guy? I do not have a liberal bone in my body and big picture, I think he's been absolutely horrible for the country. Sorry.

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and by the way.... My father is 90 years old with COPD and my mother is 87 with COPD and a pace maker - NEITHER OF THEM TOOK THE VAXX.

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Notice how some people who took the vax are blaming everyone but themselves?

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I'd be curious to hear the Bob Hall/Don Huffines positive argument for their endorsement. I don't get it.

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This article needs to be re-jiggered. At a glance, It looks like all the people listed support Brent and I know that's not true. Larger Fonts, Bold Letters, etcetera to separate little brent from Jace. The title leads one to think everyone listed supports little brent. I also noticed you don't have all of Jace's conservative leaders listed. How do you define conservative leader?

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Don’t get mad at us! Get mad at Tim Dunn! Where is he? Is Jace too smart to get a couple bucks?

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“At a glance….” Gotta read the article not glance at it!

We posted all of the conservative leader endorsements that Jace considers conservative leaders on his website. His definition. Not ours.

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I presume your desire is to get a message across to the masses. If thats the goal, clarity would definitely help. Your title says "Why Do The Rich and Powerful Oppose Jace" & either none of the rich and powerful are listed or the rich and powerful listed by name actually support Jace.

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I really don't understand what you mean when you say "none of the rich and powerful are listed."

The article features the list of rich and powerful including Donald Trump, Don Huffines, Bob Hall, Dan Patrick.

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I see a few names of wealthy people on the list of Jace supporters. For example, it's the same 2 or 3 that fund most of the Conservative events & needs in Denton County.

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