County Chairman Supports Pro-Child Mutilation Judge
Transing kids is a constitutionalist value or something
It’s common knowledge many in Texas GOP leadership, from Austin to County GOP headquarters, are tone-deaf to their base’s desires. A likely reason for this is because the Texas GOP still maintains a decentralized form of governance, ensuring terrible politicians and local leaders hold power with zero accountability; throw in open primaries, and the “Keep Everything Worse” faction of the GOP is guaranteed positions.
While we know about some County Chairs too incompetent to hold a meeting, letting money vanish under suspicious circumstances, or suing their own group over hurt feelings, some openly praise those undermining the Texas GOP’s goals, including protecting children from transgender mutilation procedures.
Waller County GOP Chair, and leader of the Texas Republican County Chairmen’s Association (TRCCA) David Luther recently made questionable remarks. The Center-Left politico supported Judge Debra Lehrmann, the lone SCOTX judge who demanded the legalization of child genital mutilation.
Lehrmann claimed stopping genital mutilation was “unconstitutional” because it regulated a “private action;” under this tortured logic, literally all child abuse law is unconstitutional. In fact, it’s the same logic used by infanticide activists to justify abortion. Nonetheless, Luther praised her.
We had to reread this tweet to ensure it wasn’t from a Leftist account. It’s shocking to see this from a self-proclaimed Republican.
He tried to “clarify” his statement, saying the judge was courageous to dissent against the majority; considering the case however, this is still vile. It’s unacceptable to glorify the “Texan Ruth Bader Ginsburg.”
While supporting the mutilation of children is evil under ANY pretense, Luther definitely went against the base here; it was a top priority for Texas Republicans, with 92.55% wanting this psychotic practice outlawed.
Protecting Texan children from perverts was a priority of true Rightists for years, and was finally successful thanks to the efforts of many, including the late great Jill Glover, who some called a “Texan Phyllis Schlaffly.”
While I wish this was an isolated case, this isn’t; let’s recall this is nowhere near TRCAA’s first incident.
As we’re reminded by SREC Committeewoman Rachel Horton, and young Republican activist Rohit Joy, TRCAA has a history of supporting Democrat’s access to Republican primaries, even backing HB 4636. The bill would’ve effectively split the Texas GOP into 254 separate parties, giving each Chair absolute power, leaving our party even more decentralized, and too weak to oppose Leftists wanting to flip our state blue.
With “Republicans” like this, who needs Democrats?
TRCCA is already a disliked organization (among those acknowledging its existence), thanks to its aforementioned actions, and generally platforming more controversial leaders.
Sadly, we believe this cancer won’t retreat until power within the Texas GOP is centralized. The current model of letting 254 fiefdoms just do their own thing has failed, only sowing chaos, and allowing subversives (like TRCCA) a permanent beachhead. We’ve already proposed our solution on several occasions over the past four years, but there’s too many believing dysfunction is virtuous.
Until reform happens, the circus continues. However, like past GOP factions that went extinct, whether 19th century “Mugwumps” or 20th century “Rockefeller Republicans,” TRCCA-types are headed the same direction; party restructuring would hasten their fates. In a decade, we may refer to them as the “Dead Man’s Party.”
I never voted for Lehrmann thank goodness. Unfortunately the general public is too lazy to perform their due diligence. Maybe once they get a room at a nearby Gulag they will have their come to Jesus moment or they will continue their trip into denial.
Unfortunately a lot of adults are completely clueless to child psychology. They think a child knows exactly who they are, what they want to be when they grow up, how they're going to get there, how they feel about everything, and they've ironed it all out before age 18.... Those leaders are stupid evil adults and we must quash their legal desires....