Debauchery was temporarily halted in Austin’s mini-me: Denton. In the latest act of stochastic pederasty, a local establishment known as Cool Beans planned an “all-ages” drag show on its premises, just in time for 9/11. In their stunning and brave fight for the right to cross-dress near children, the organizers made it Disney-themed.
Their brazenness in pervert promotion is unsurprising, especially after a similar event was held in Roanoke, with communist terrorists acting as muscle, and the Texas Comptroller declaring adults twerking in kid’s faces “non-sexual.” Now, likely diddlers feel emboldened to predate on children brought by antidepressant-dazed single white moms. All this, despite a monkeypox pandemic.
However, numerous Denton patriots and sanity purveyors intervened, and after copious phone calls, emails, and other hard work, the stochastic pederasts at Cool Beans cancelled their child almost-orgy. According to anonymous sources, Denton county Sheriff Tracy Murphree denied Cool Beans’s security request; he is truly superior to Tarrant county’s Bill “open borders” Waybourn.
While this has a happy ending, what made such an event possible to begin with? It is common knowledge Denton is hipster Hell, but what created it still puzzles some. Public degeneracy like this arises because apparently “Right-wing” officials refuse using power in stopping subversives, or promoting conservatism and decency. Thankfully, numerous leading thinkers, and many public servants like Sheriff Murphree, acknowledge state power must be used for Rightist causes benefiting normal people; sadly too many “leaders” are compromised cowards hiding behind “muh process” to avoid doing anything.
Too many believe accepting LGBTQ-normalcy is what a nation must do for “democracy,” “diversity,” and “tolerance.” Seriously though, what is so great about these things anyways? All these vices resulted in was drag pedophiles roaming your communities, open borders for third-world invaders, millions of murdered babies, cities turned to crime-ridden hellholes, and an increasingly decaying nation making Weimar Germany look sane by comparison. In fact, perverts even rule over normal people.
Speaking of Disney, a monopoly in dire need of break up (trust-busting is a GOP virtue m’kay), people cannot turn to escapism anymore without having degeneracy shoved in their faces; matters the First Amendment was never intended to protect.

In all fairness, we probably made it easy for subversives, considering the amount of Plantrustitus patients, and fools believing failure makes them superior. There is nothing saintly about cowardice.
Delightedly, the not-so Cool Beans diddler convention faced extreme opposition, and bent the knee to sanity. Remember reader, never stop opposing Leftist’s advances toward children; keep calling, emailing, and showing up en masse at groomer gatherings. Promoting the delinquency of minors, and abusing them is always illegal, so ignore self-proclaimed “experts” claims about said events.
We will never stop exposing traitors, from the schoolhouse, to the courthouse, to the State House, and rest assured we have your back. Patriots are taking control!
They’ve been cancelled by Christians! Love the reversology.
About damn time.