Whether promoting Democrat Chairs, not voting on bills people actually want, getting excommunicated by the Texas GOP, or being called a “c**k sucker” by one of his own allies, Speaker Phelan proves to be a disappointment.
Disturbingly, new developments have occurred. This election cycle, Phelan received $10,000 in donations from the Texas State Teacher’s Association (TSTA), a pro-LGBTQP teacher group. To make matters worse, these Phelan backers also support “racial justice” programs proselytizing anti-White conspiracy theories.
To make matters worse, the Phelan fans at TSTA followed Biden’s anti-Christian declaration, putting “Trans Day of Visibility” on Easter this year. They ignored Christ’s resurrection and went all-out celebrating crossdressers, diddlers, and genital self-harm. If that’s not anti-Christian blasphemy, I don’t know what is.
Of course, TSTA half-arsedly sidelined Easter to “all who celebrate” on their Facebook page, while thrusting Troon Day on everyone.
Outcry has continued to grow over the years with the continued belittling of Christians and normal people generally. While donations from certain PACs are deemed problematic by leftists for offending certain demographics, people have begun to notice the consistent attacks on normal people and Christians by those who seek to delete Christianity from the public sphere.
As if committing blasphemy and promoting gender-bending weren’t enough, TSTA also supports “Diversity, Inclusion, Equity” (DIE) initiatives. Their influence may be why bills meant to crush Neomarxism in schools keep being ignored.
If you’ve paid attention to Current Revolt, you know we don’t necessarily hold a strong stance on “school choice,” as the term means whatever the sayer wants it to mean.
However, if “strings attached” involve TSTA’s influence diminishing, as well as purging anti-Christian activism and Neomarxism from our public schools, that’s a “school choice” push I can support. Maybe this is what Dan Patrick meant when he said school choice would stop “woke culture in our schools.” It’s the only context in which his quote makes sense.
No matter what actual “school choice” plans are, Phelan’s tone deafness to the base, including association with TSTA, only drags him toward defeat on May 28th. What’s unforeseen is whether Phelan gives away unsavory donations (as he demands others do) or keeps the anti-Christian tranny money, using it for his futile re-election bid.
At the rate his political career is going, Phelan may as well hire drag queens to blockwalk and poll-greet for his runoff, because that’s the only crowd turned on by these donations. We have no clue what his present strategy is supposed to be, but whatever it is, this $10,000 won’t help.
Honestly I’m not sold by Covey. Phelan is one off-color joke away from gaining my support.