Drama runs high in the Texas Legislature. In fact, it looks a lot more like high school than a serious legislative body. It’s about getting drunk, getting money, and finding yourself a big booty Latina across the aisle. They care very little about anything else besides their own self-aggrandizement. Some people will do anything to get elected—like steal your signs from 7-Eleven.
In our weekly paid subscriber article, Many People Are Saying, we cover A LOT!
Texas Nationalist Movement Fails to Secure Votes Needed.
Leftist Group That Bailed Out Mass Shooter Endorses Shelia Jackson Lee?
Old Texas Right to Life Connection to Catholic Ministry Scandal?
The Denton GOP Nightmare Finally Ends (or does it?)
Synonyms For RINO?
Lots of good stuff coming this week. Nobody does December like Current Revolt.
Remember the reason for the season.